Church Approach, Thorpe, Surrey TW20 8TQ | | Call us on: 01932 567 603

The Rt Revd Paul Davies Bishop of Dorking and Fr Stephen Girling
The Rt Revd Paul Davies Bishop of Dorking, Fr Stephen Girling and The Venerable Martin Breadmore Archdeacon of Dorking
Licensing Service for Revd Stephen Girling
On Tuesday 6th October St Mary's Church was delighted to host the licensing service for Revd. Stephen Girling, and to welcome him, his wife Diane and their family to Thorpe.
The service was very well attended and the church was filled with a tremendous atmosphere of welcome and friendship. The Bath Abbey Girls Choir sang beautifully and encouraged the congregation to respond with enthusiasm in the hymns.
Refreshments were served after the service and greatly enjoyed by all who were able to stay and share our fellowhip.
We are looking forward to working with Fr Stephen and Diane, and wish them every happiness in their life in Thorpe.
Fr Stephen with our guest choir:
The Bath Abbey Girls Choir
What's On at St Mary's
We were delighted to welcome Fr Max Kramer to our licensing service. Fr Max, is the Chaplain at Keble College in Oxford, who are the Patrons for St Mary's Church.
Prior to the licensing service, Fr Max blessed a framed print of William Holman Hunt's painting, " Light of the World" which was recently donated to our church. This links us to the original painting which is on display at Keble College.
We were very grateful Fr Max could attend and carry out the blessing.
Fr Max Kramer (centre) with churchwardens
Peter Gruncell and Diana Lees